Friday, 22 March 2013

Final draft of the front cover

There is not much detail that has changed from the second draft apart from moving texts, photos and removing any errors that I could see. I am happy with my front cover, I think it matches the stereotype of a typical boy band magazine for teenagers, mostly girls.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Second draft of front cover with image

This was my second draft of my music magazine front cover, I am pretty pleased with the progress of my cover. 

Thursday, 14 March 2013

My written media article

EXCLUSIVE interview with the new high street Boyband!
“From classes to masses!”- Alpha
Who would have thought 18 months ago Trafford, Elliott, Patrick, three 18 year old boys would have an audience of the world not just their class mates that they were performing to many months ago.
The boy band formed in 2012 after being friends and growing up with each other for more than 12 years, since their first day at Primary School. The boys went on to their local Secondary School where they struggled for many years; missing lessons, not doing any of their work, turning up late, causing trouble in the corridors, missing exams and many more, teachers would find the three together. When Alpha turned 16 they left school, it just was not the place for them, and they were not getting anywhere. The boys would be practicing their music in any abandoned buildings they could find, there would be no lighting, no electricity but it was just perfect for them, they were living their dream.
Lead singer Trafford said ‘ I knew there was something out there for us in the music business  cworld, our time just had to come, it was just a matter of time’
Alpha did not let anyone in on their music writing, it was simply the three of them.
Since Alpha were spotted by Music Management for Youngsters, they have released two singles and later on in 2013 they plan to make an album. They want their fans to know how grateful they are for all the help they have done to promote this young boy band. Their single ‘It Can Happen’ was the fastest ever selling boy band single since Westlife released their album in 1999.
It has always been our dream”- Elliott
Alpha tell Beatz “It has always been our dream, it was our saviour from school. We knew it was not for us the stress, pain, torture we used to go through in school, after a long boring day of school we used to grab a Sub Way then go find a building to sing or make music. It is also funny because people who didn’t want to hang round with us because of our behaviour now are trying to contact us on Facebook or Twitter.
“We are a wide awake hyperactive boy band 24/7”- Alpha
Inside a shopping centre in Cardiff, a heavily built body guard leads Alpha through the crowds of screaming, emotional teenage girls. The squeal was high pitch and deafening but the three 17 year olds just smiled and waved to their fans, appreciating the help the fans have given them the boys were completely unfazed by it all.
So boys.. How did your career start?Trafford: Well.. we were sat in Ells house on the Xbox and the phone rang we didn’t have any idea who it could be, the number came up ‘BLOCKED’. I put on my posh voice and it was Music Management for Youngsters, I put the phone on loud speaker and me and the lads would not stop smiling they asked if they could meet us to listen to some of our tunes. From that day on we knew we had something good coming our way. Since that day we have just not stopped doing what we love to do.
Wow boys that is incredible! Are you going to approach any local gigs for your fans?Patrick: Oh man we love our fans they mean so much to us and we want to try and do everything we can for them. We are going to try and gig in the local area for a few nights in the summer, we are so excited about the future and I am sure there will be plenty of tours and concerts.

That’s really good lads, it must be so exciting! Your new album about to be relesead  ‘ It can happen’ is there a link to your dreams?Elliott: Yes it is!! The album title is letting all young musicians know that there is an answer to everything and to fulfil your dream and that it can happen.
That’s lovely Elliott! Boys, is there anyone you would love to collaborate with? Trafford: We had this discussion back in the studio a while ago and we would love to collaborate with Olly Murs, he just seems such a genuine man with amazing songs.
(Elliott laughs and turns red) Elliott: Cheryl Cole!
Interviewer giggles, oh boys. What has been the craziest/ funniest gift you have received off a fan?Patrick: It is not often we receive gifts, however we receive amazing letters off our fans which put a constant smile on our face knowing that they are following right behind us! Oh yes, one time we received quite a funny gift which was a load of Haribo rings off a fan saying ‘Marry me’ and she also made as individual tops with the right sizes, which was quite scary.  (Pat laughs)
You have got some consistent fans boys. Do you miss home when you are working on music in England?Elliott: Yes of course we miss it, that is where everything started for us.
Patrick: When I arrive home I instantly get shivers down my spine, jump out of the taxi or bus and there are banners everywhere and occasionally screaming girls.
Aw that is so sweet! How are you enjoying this famous hype?Trafford: It is fantastic it really is, it can be a little scary at time however. We walk into a shopping centre the first step we take and there are girls screaming some crying everywhere! We have not forgotten everyone who has helped us from day one even now when we’re famous.
Ah crazy! So boys, is there any artist you have a total crush on?*Boys blush*
Trafford: Rihanna, wow.
Elliott: Nicole Scherzinger. She is the definition of perfect!
Patrick: Taylor Swift, she is beautiful.

One day boys, one day. Well it’s been a great interview, thank you for giving up your time for Beatz. I wish you all the best in life! I am sure we will catch up soon, enjoy it.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

First draft of music magazine without main image

How to use capitilisation and pull quotes?

Capitilisation and pull quotes
To achieve capitalisation.. select word or paragraph you want to focus on.. type.. paragraph.. side box.. choose left hand bottom icon.. increase.. change colours.
Pull quote.. create layer 2.. create box.. create quote.. select object box.. windows, text wrap, little box, different types of text wrap, best one to use third one from the left.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Second media photo shoot

My first photo shoot did not go to plan to how I would of liked it to, the codes and convention did not meet a typical pop music magazine. I did a new boy band photo shoot that I was much happier with the new photos. I used three of the same boys, due to not being able to use the fourth boy I had to change a few things for my music magazine eg the name and some of the article.
I personally thought the photos I took in the second photo shoot were more ideal for the type of genre I was aiming for, the stereotypical clothes and boys fitted the genre perfect. I also changed the models positions and how they looked, their clothes in the first photo shoot did not match the genre they were wearing black.