Analysis of Top of the Pops magazine.
The masthead of this magazine is called Top of the Pops, the title of the magazine has part of an image covering the two middle words. This magazine tries to target young children, the font it uses attracts younger ages as it is quite quirky. The title of this is in pink, suggesting that it is generally more of a girls magazine. The logo of Top of the Pops is just above the title, when readers who are into this magazine or Top of the Pops in general they will know that logo, it signifies the magazine in many ways.
The main coverline is the picture and text of Justin Bieber. 'Justin's body hang-ups, I feel really self conscious' This magazine doesn't really have one main coverline, it has a variety of coverlines, none of the coverlines seem strong enough to be a main coverline. I chose Justin Bieber as the main coverline because he has the biggest image and text bubble, this coverline could be he has the most interesting story inside the magazine or his would be the most favourited.
The main image is of Justin Bieber, this could possibly be the reason as most young girls admire him so would buy this magazine as there is a big picture of him on the front of the cover. Also there would be more images of him in the magazine.
There are many coverlines on the front of this magazine with different celebrities on. This might be because they have a variety of singers or groups on the front different variety of youngsters would buy this magazine. It has eight coverlines including Justin Bieber this backs up my reason for different people buying this magazine. The coverlines vary from celebrity fashion advice, cute photos of singers, real life stories and just about bands that youngsters would love. There is not one coverline in my opinion that would not make the reader want to read more. For example Aston Merrygold says 'I was so naughty' What reader would not want to read closely into that. The front page coverlines gives the reader a good taster of what is going to be in that magazine, this is helpful towards new readers so they know roughly what to expect.
The price of this magazine is £2.35, for a music magazine that is quite expensive especially as it tries to target youngsters who would not have jobs. From the front cover of this magazine you can see they look at alot of celebrities so for some youngsters and people it is worth buying. This price could be a fair price some weeks as it could include posters, stickers, nail varnish etc.
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