Saturday 29 September 2012

Heat magazine analysis

Analysis of Heat magazine.
The masthead of this magazine is Heat and is shown clearly as it is not covered by any images that appear on the front cover on the magazine. The title of this magazine is in red this is significant because the word heat makes you think of fire and the temperature is hot. In a celebrity gossip magazine it's significant having Heat as it's title because in a celebrity life there is often something fiery, heated or excited going on which gets the reader wanting to find out more.

The main coverline on the front cover of this magazine would be the picture of Cheryl Cole and the story line 'The secrets of Cheryl's explosive new book' For Cheryl Cole's photo she has 2 story lines that would attract the reader to read in closely about her celebrity life. Also it says 'EXCLUSIVE' this is trying to pull the reader into the magazine to buy it and find out what is happening. The word exclusive means a story published by only one source, this would bring the readers in if they were interested in specific celebrity life.

The main image on the front cover of this magazine is Cheryl Cole. With Cheryl Cole's photo being the biggest photo on the front cover this is telling the readers this might be significant because it may mean her story is the biggest gossip of Heat. Also that is quite a serious story as the main image of Cheryl is not smiling. 

There are many coverlines with additional images on the front cover of this magazine, altogether including the main cover line there are seven coverlines about different celebrities. Each coverline has a different situation; Katherine Jenkins and David Beckham's is a fact situation as she wants the readers to know the truth, that she did not have an affair with Beckham. The second coverline is Team GB girls do spice girls this is a happy and patriotic situation. The coverline about Rihanna and Chris Brown shocks the readers as of the celebrities past with one another. Due to the number of coverlines on the front of this magazine the readers know that this magazines target audience is people who are interested in day to day celebrity life.

The price of this magazine is £1.65, for a celebrity gossip magazine that is fair price as journalists have to pay to hear a celeb story. Without the price of this magazine on the front cover the company is not going to make any money. This magazine is full of celebrity gossip you can tell that from the front cover images so to price it quite low is generous. Heat might of priced it as that price due to competitors and their target audience might be a variety of different people. 

This magazine has one particularly obvious flash on, 'FREE, Harry centrefold poster' The image and text it has been meant to look like it has just been cut out and stuck on, giving some of the target audience a extra bonus to buy the magazine. 

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