Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Evaluation- Question 2

Evaluation 2
How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When creating my magazine I wanted it to really represent my target group which I think the models did perfectly. On my front cover I had the boys wearing typical young boy band clothes for example high tops, sleeves rolled up, top teenage designer brands and colours. Teenage boys would relate themselves to this boy band as they are who the girls are going crazy for. Hair is another important issue that would represent the social group because they all have similar hair that is the latest fashion. This represents a modern young boy who cares a lot about hair and fashion it also reflects on other young boy bands out there for example One Directions hair styles.

I think the models clothing is very important as it represents a specific social group, I also think the models poses represent the social group. The models I used look quite casual, laid back and have that cool attractive look about them. The photos I took have bright lightening this can reflect on the type of audience that my magazine in aimed at. When I was planning my models poses I looked in to other magazines codes and conventions and used similar poses that were natural looking but adding some extra little poses adding my own uniqueness. i think my photos represent my media social group in a good way and reflects on their style and personality. I used mainly wide shots to reflect on what the models are wearing and the poses they are positioned in.

I think my magazine represents my chosen target audience because of the colour, images and style I have used. The colour scheme of blue, yellow, green, red are four colours that can link to the social group I have chosen because of who they are as a social group. During the making of my magazine
I have created a slide share to show you similar magazine photos that are used to help me take the photos. 

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