Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Evaluation- Question 3

Evaluation 3
What kind of media institutions might distribute your product and why?

I would choose Bauer to distribute my product because they are known as the largest publishing company in Europe who publish a lot of well known magazines like Q. Also they are known to be a very successful company in promoting music information. Bauer media publishing would also be a good publisher for my magazine because they are a multi platform brand this means they do not just offer magazines but publish on television, radio and internet which is becoming a huge part of the magazine industry as this generation use the internet to find out information on websites for example Q have a website as well as a radio station and television programme. Bauer Medias internet websites would be important for me because of my target audience they are the generation which prefer the internet to a magazine. 
I would use front line to distribute my magazine because they are the leading distribution company in the UK. Frontline are in charge for the distribution of magazines produced by Bauer Media. Frontline distributors believe that no other media companies can offer the same service and experience that they deliver. An example of a magazine that frontline distribute is Hello! Gossip magazine. Frontline distributes and delivers over 160 of their publisher’s magazines.

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