Saturday 6 October 2012

Analysis of my school magazine front cover.

I chose to put a banner line along the top of my magazine cover as it is the motto of the school.
On the front cover of this magazine there are many coverlines representing what has gone on in school recently and praising students and school. When I redo the cover of my school magazine I will add a main coverline with a main image to go with it.
The main image on the front cover of my magazine should be of a student enrolling for sixth form (couldn’t get picture in time) Preferably I would have a photo of a boy and a girl sixth former enrolling looking happy on the front cover of my magazine. I would put the main image of this magazine in the top left corner underneath the masthead as people tend to read from left to right, I would choose to enlarge the photo.

I have not put a price on the front cover on the magazine as it is a school magazine that would be handy and helpful for parents and students it would not be fair asking them to pay for it. When I do my final draft of this school cover magazine i will charge a price that will suit everyone.

The colour of this magazine does not look interesting enough and would not draw the readers in. When I redo the magazine cover, as the background I would use the main school colours as people will recognise that.

I chose the masthead of this magazine to be King Henry School in welsh. I chose to put this in welshas it would be quite different and showing the school support both languages; English and Welsh.

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