Sunday, 21 October 2012

The contents page questions

The contents page homework.

1)What is the function of a contents page?
The function of a contents page is to show little parts of the most popular stories that will feature in the magazine. This gives the reader a little bit of information of what to expect, normally they would be exciting stories on the contents page because this will draw the reader in. Also on the contents page next to the stories readers will find a page number, this will help the reader to find the page they need to look at. The two magazines above represent this.
2)How does a reader use a contents page?
A reader will use a contents page to look at the most popular stories that will feature in that specific magazine as the contents page will give you a basic idea of the story inside. Also on the contents page their are page numbers which refer to a specific story or celebrity this is handy for some readers as they might only be in to certain stories.
3)What is the conventional layout for a contents page in a magazine?
Most magazines will usually have to the same layout and structure such as a few popular stories, images, colourful texts, page numbers etc, however magazines do have slight differences. The heat contents page is full of images, colour, text, adverts also many cover stories on one celebrity 'Straggly hair', 'Cheryls style slump' and many more main stories on Cheryl, this shows the reader that the most popular story is on Cheryl Cole.
4)What is the conventional design for a contents page in a magazine?
The conventional design for a contents page in a magazine is basically the same for all magazines, you can see this from the two example of content magazines above. These show the design is of images, text, cover stories and blurbs of each poplular story that the magazine company want you to get dragged in to also almost every contents page have page numbers. Almost all magazine contents page follow the same design but individually have different text, images, colour and they way it is laid out.
5)How much information does a contents page contain?
Differnet magazine contents page will have different amount of information on the contents page. The two examples I have used above both have titles, cover lines, images, page numbers but Heat for example has alot of information after its cover stories on Cheryl Cole. Heat also has 'Tv', 'Starstyle' where as Q magazine only has 'Features' with alot less information.
6)What information does a contents page contain?
A contents pafe contains summaries of the most popular stories in the magazine and popular stories globally. The contents page also contains page numbers so the reader knows where to look for a particular story.
7) How are images used in a conventional contents page?
Images are used carefully in a conventional contents page, images are used if they are the main story in the magazine or one of the main stories in the magazine. Images give the reader a visual sense of what to expect in the cover story. For example on the Q contents magazine they only have one image and that is of the band Oasis, this shows that they are the most main story throughout the magazine. Images on the contents of a magazine can say alot for a magazine as that is what the first thing readers looks at before looking in rest of magazine.
8) How is language used in a conventional contents page?
The language used in a conventional contents page is used to advertise the story, the editors do this by using words/ language that would attract their target audience. Another way magazines use language is by using slogans, mottos and sarcastic or jokey words, the right language will draw the right target audience in to the story.
9)What are the key codes and conventions of a contents page?
Key codes and conventions of a contents page are images and text, images are vitally important on a contents page as it gives the reader a insight of what they will be looking into, also images which are bright, funny, quirky, important will attract the reader.
10)How does the function of a contents page affect its layout and design?

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