Saturday 6 October 2012

Media Questionnaire


1)      What year group are you in?
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
Year 13

2)      What gender are you?

3)      What masthead (title) would you prefer as your front cover of the magazine
Ysgol Brenin Harri’r

King Henry VIII
Schools out
King Henry

Other (if so, please state other)

4)      What colour scheme would you prefer?
Black and gold
Navy and white
Red, green and white
Burgundy and gold

5)      What motto would you prefer on your front cover?
To cool for school
We can do it as HSM!
King Henry has talent
Saved by the bell
What’s going down..
Other(if so, please state)

6)      Do you think the schools motto should be stated on the front page of the magazine? ‘Respecting tradition, embracing the future’
No (if no, state why)
7)      What main image do you think should be on the front cover?
Upper school
Lower school
Sixth formers being enrolled
Year 7
Year 8-10
Year 11
Last year’s GCSE/As results

8)      Please circle stories you would be interested to see on the front cover of the magazine?
Uniform debate
Sixth formers uniform
Sixth formers
Key stage 3
Key stage 4
New teachers
New lessons
Sport activities
GCSE results
As results
Teachers gossip
New facilities

9)      How much would you pay for a school magazine?
99p or less
£1.00- £1.49
£3 or more (state your price)
Would you buy the school magazine?
No (why wouldn’t you?)

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